Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Method to store extra mushrooms

Method to store extra mushrooms

If we don't want to use the entire quantity at one go as mushrooms spoil very quickly?

Tips 1 :
Dryed them or pressure canned them but idk how to do that and when her house burned down we lost all her notes as she had passed a few months

Keep the mushrooms in a paper bag
Clean them before we put them in a bag .Change the bag again if we have to

Tips 3 :
Mushrooms will keep a little bit longer if always kept in a brown paper bag or sack in the refrigerator.
Never keep mushrooms in plastic it makes them sweat.

Tips 4 :
freeze mushrooms in storage containers. and take out what we need at the time. I buy mushrooms
when the store marks them down then I freeze them into servings. or just freeze the whole bunch together.

Tips 5 :
when the mushrooms start to look a bit wisened squeeze them in cheese cloth add some finally chopped onion a bit of roasted garlic and freeze in mini ice cube trays. Pop them out into a freezer bag and either thaw a few at a time or make into a paste en-mass.


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